Our Pastor
On November 10th, 2000 God blessed Charity Hill Baptist Church when he sent us Pastor Brian Cardwell. Pastor Brian was born in Wilkes County on June 4th, 1977 to Larry and Vicki Cardwell. He grew up at Calvary Baptist Church under the preaching of Pastor Fellman Cheek where he attended for 22 years. On February 18th, 1990 at the age of 13, God saved Pastor Brian on a Sunday night service at Calvary. Immediately, he became a worker in the church. God continued to use him and began dealing with his heart. On the 3rd Sunday in July 1991 he surrendered his call to preach at the age of 14. Pastor Brian dedicated his life to Christ as a young teenage boy. God opened many doors for him as he preached youth services throughout Wilkes and surrounding counties. During this time he also served for two years as youth pastor at Calvary before being led to Charity Hill.

On April 24th, 1999 God united Pastor Brian in marriage to April Edwards. God has truly blessed their marriage and their home with two precious daughters. Charity Nicole was born on March 11th, 2003 and on April 4th, 2008 Faith Brianna was born.

Church History
Charity Hill was founded on August 24, 1929. The men who helped organize the church were Byrd Harrison, Will Harrison, and Johny Harrison. J.W. Isaacs and Mary Isaacs gave the land so it could be built. It was started by members of Union Baptist Church. The first members were Virgil & Margie Isaacs, Earlie & Collie Shores, Sarah Jane Isaacs, Thompson Hedrick, Dan Shores & wife, and John & Mary Jane Isaacs. The first deacons were Earlier Shores, John Isaacs, and Virgil Isaacs. The church was organized at the old Union Hill School House. The church was a small, wooded building. Later, the new church was built in 1957, and was finished in 1958, which still stands today (with additions). The old church building was moved to a house in Mountain Park and was added on to it.
Back in March of 1957, about a dozen men met on a wooded hillside near Mountain Park. As each knelt in leaves and pine needles of that outdoor scene, the Reverend Woodrow Wishon lifted his voice in prayer for divine help in the task they were about to undertake. Arising from their knees, the little group soon had the mountains resounding to the roar of chain saws and hitting ring of axes as standing timber fell. Thus began the new structure of Charity Hill Baptist Church.
As their pastor, Rev. Wishon later said, "I've never felt so close to Heaven as I did that morning in the woods." The small group of men had seen the need of a new house of worship. The old frame building was in need of repair. Things didn't look too good, as far as the eye could tell.
When the Rev. Wishon became Pastor about 3 years before, only 27 people were present at Sunday School that first Sunday, contributing the grand total of $1.37 in the offering. With practically no earthly means visible to them, the little band of the faithful turned to God, asking Him to supply their need i the proposed building program. From the reaction, somebody's prayers were heard and answered. In a community where no one is counted "rich" in this world's goods, there came offers of timber, the promise of monies, and considerable volunteer labor.
Steadfast in their faith that it could be done, tenacious in their efforts, tireless in the energies, the group began the structure that would become their new church building, and others kept coming to join them. Members who hadn't attended the church for a long time returned. Revival meetings produced additional help for their labors. The building began to grow. More than 90 people will file into the church to study, sing, and worship together. People from the hills and valleys round about who by their presence testified what God can do. Pastor Wishon said, "The people had a vision of the need of the work, and they've been very cooperative and faithful in the task of erecting the new building. "It seemed rather discouraging when we first started. But learning of the willingness of the people, it's been the joy of my heart to work with them and to learn the blessings of the Lord that He's endowed us with.
The new building is a testimonial to the fact that others share with him the joy of the blessings of the Lord. Charity Hill stands today as the evidence that miracles still happen.